Pleasant Street Mills
Easthampton, Massachusetts.
121-148 Pleasant Street, Easthampton, MA
Easthampton, Massachusetts.
Easthampton, Massachusetts.
A new life for an old mill.
Purchased in 2015 by local investors with a vision to revitalize this former center of industry and contribute to the growth and vitality of the City of Easthampton. Acquired as the natural companion to the adjacent building at 142 Pleasant Street to continue and expand the revitilization work started there in 2009.
The newly renovated East Wing features wide, spacious corridors that bring to mind a "second downtown". As part of our committment to the City, most of the renovation was done by local contractors and craftsman so that investment in the community actually stays in the community.
Demolition has begun in the West Wing and we expect to begin framing shortly, making new spaces available as early as December 1st of this year. We plan to remove the steel loading docks from the front of the building and create an outdoor seating area in this space.
Apartments and Condos
Development of residential units on the 3rd floor will commence in the Spring of 2017. The first phase will begin in the West Wing of between 15 and 30 units.
The West Boylston Company, a textile manufacturer incorporated in 1814, was forced to leave the town of West Boylston, Massachusetts when the Wachusett reservoir was planned, which would have completely submerged the mill site. In 1899 the company decided to dismantle their mill brick by brick and send it by train to Easthampton, where those same bricks were used to build the West Boylston Company’s Mill Number 1. Keystone was originally known as West Boylston Company’s Mill Number 4 and Mill Number 5. Number 4 was built in 1907 and Number 5 in 1912. Together they make up the East and West Wings of Keystone.
The small building in the foreground was called the Superintentants Office. This was later demolished and replaced by a steel building that is used for loading docks today. A section of the original foundation can be found under the new building.
Absent in this photo is the cinderblock addition that now serves as offices as well as a series of loading docks along the front of the building. The original fire hydrant; however, is still there.
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